2010년 7월 20일 화요일

大学Y共同体项目 我们是首尔Y会员

“下列几项中符合YWCA的意义的是哪个?1 Young Women’s Culture Association,2 Young Women’s Christian Association,…… 5 Young Women’s Christian Area.”


走进教室,大家正在观看介绍首尔Y和大学Y的影像和PPT。“首尔YWCA是 Young Women’s Christian Association的缩写,是由1922年当时的新女性创立的。”从首尔Y的历史到组织和进行中的项目,通过知识问答为对YWCA仍不理解的会员进行介绍。特别是向会员们介绍了2010年重点进行的3项重点项目(尊重女性人权的知识社会,拯救儿童和青少年的教育环境,拯救土地和生命的地区社会)以及每年举行的会员活动(特别活动,家庭庆典,赶集日,会员日),并且作为女性基督教市民团体理解首尔Y的角色,同时作为大学Y的一员能够感受到自豪感和责任心。

介绍完首尔Y之后,通过娱乐时间拉进了生疏的朋友之间的距离。用‘key word’轮流做自我介绍,之后接受其他朋友的提问。“我想用‘青蛙’作为我的‘key word’来介绍自己,因为我的名字‘白雨林’快点读的话听起来像‘青蛙’。”“都说我像笑星金荣哲,真的吗?”想掩盖的缺点也毫无顾忌地说出来,有什么好奇的问题也不在乎对方的眼色活跃地提问来,这让我们感受到了才华横溢的大学生们的热情和葱翠的首尔Y的未来。自我介绍之后展开了寻找未来的教育。正确地制定目标并按照目标合理地分配时间,为了实现自己梦寐以求的目标,听取各种意见和百万富翁们的成功秘诀(自我管理,政治,亲密的交往)并写下了自己的未来和梦想。


College Y Community Program "We Are Members of Seoul YWCA"

“Which of the following is the meaning of YWCA? 1. Young Women’s Culture Association, 2. Young Women’s Christian Association, …, 5. Young Women’s Christian Area.”

On the first Saturday of June, young and fresh college Y members gathered in a lecture room for the College Y Community Program. The College Y Community Program encouraged members to have a vocation and actively participate in Seoul YWCA. Participants were able to understand Seoul YWCA and establish their identity as College Y members.

Everyone in the lecture room was watching a PowerPoint presentation on the introduction of Seoul YWCA and College Y. “Seoul YWCA is an abbreviation for Young Women’s Christian Association and it was founded by the "new women" in 1922.” For the members who do not know about YWCA, a program instructor introduced the history of Seoul YWCA, its organization, and ongoing projects, giving fun quizzes. When the instructor explained the three focused projects in 2010 and the annual events, the participants could not only understand the role of Seoul YWCA as a Christian advocacy group but also feel confident and responsible as College Y members.

After the introduction of Seoul YWCA, the participants had recreational activities to become friends. One by one, they introduced themselves using a ‘key word’ and answered questions. “A ‘frog’ would be my ‘keyword.’ My name is Baek, Woo-Lim, and it sounds like ‘Gaegoori (a frog in Korean)’ when you talk fast.” “People tell me that I look like Kim, Yeong-Chul, the comedian. Do I really?” Students who talk about weaknesses and actively ask questions portrayed their passion and the positive future of Seoul YWCA.

Then, there was a training session for finding one’s vision. Participants wrote down their vision and dream, set goals, divided time, and listened to the advice and millionaires’ key to success (self-discipline, honesty, and intimate friendship).

Although they are basically same with other college students who live competitively to build up career and social experience, College Y members are the future of Seoul YWCA trying to realize not only their own dreams but also Seoul YWCA's vision. Seoul YWCA expects them to put their love and sharing into action.

2010년 7월 11일 일요일

Congratulations on the 500th Volume of Seoul YWCA Newsletter!!!

• Contributors to Seoul YWCA Newsletter

Seoul YWCA Newsletter, conveying various stories of people, has been accomplished by people’s effort and devotion. In celebration of the 500th volume, we had interviews with the contributors to the newsletter, from a founding assistant administrator to a volunteer leader who has worked for the longest time.

‣ Shin, Hee-Woon

Founding Assistant Administrator, Department of PR & Publication (1965-1976)

- Memorable Event

“Almost everything was done by hand back then. Whenever a newspaper or a Christmas newsletter was published, all the staff gathered, folded the paper, and colored the pictures of Santa Claus. It was laborious but still remains in my memory.”

- Celebration and Aspiration

“Vol. 500! It calls for a celebration. However, Seoul YWCA Newsletter should not only raise its competitiveness in various mediums but also listen to the criticisms from its members and other people. I hope that Seoul Y makes programs that interact with society and deliver them through the newsletter and website.”

‣ Cho, Nam-Jin

Former Committee Member, Department of PR & Publication, Seoul Y Correspondent (1985-2004)

 - Memorable Event

“At that time Y had young spirit and was ahead of any other organizations. The consumer movement was awesome. I remember that I unrolled a roll of toilet paper and measured the length, in order to write an article about toilet paper.”

 ‣ Chung, JI-Won

Former Assistant Administrator, Department of PR & Publication (1995-1996, 1999-2002)

- Memorable Moment

“I was always busy making a newsletter. I worked overtime at night, even on holidays. I was deeply moved by my coworkers’ notes with consolation and encouragement.”

 ‣ Kim, Nam-Soon
Current Committee Member, Department of PR & Publication (1992-2010)

 - Celebration and Aspiration“I am so happy to share the publication of the vol.500. I hope it becomes a newsletter that is read by the Seoul Y members as well as the readers outside the association. I also hope it lasts forever as a refreshing and substantial newsletter.”


• History of Seoul YWCA Newsletter

Up to vol.500, Seoul YWCA Newsletter has been changed and advanced in many ways. Let’s trace back from the first to the current issue.

‣ March 1966, first issue

-Used a tabloid form with pure Korean words in horizontal writing, (at the time vertical writing was norm) going ahead of the stream of times


‣ December 2002

-From black-and-white to color; four out of eight pages were printed in two colors

‣ March 2004

-Changed into a journal style that made it easier to read

‣ May 2004

-Printed the cover page in color, raising interest and participation of members


‣ March 2010

-Printed every page in color, delivering a variety of news much more effectively


2010년 7월 8일 목요일

Y Stories in May

May 5

The Athletic meeting
(Bongcheon Nooribom Shelter)

Seventy people from Nooribom Shelter participated in the athletic meeting, under the theme of "Run toward a New Day." They had an enjoyable day by playing a treasure-hunt game and tug-of-war as well as jumping rope in a group.

May 6

「Yeo-Haeng」 Project
* Yeo-haeng is the acronym of a Korean phrase meaning "make women happy."
(Geumcheon Women Resources Development Center)

Geumcheon Women Resources Center hosted the cooking program that helps women start side dish store or get a job in it.

May 8

Playground Festival “Hey friends, Let’s have fun”
(Garak Social Welfare Center)

Garak Social Welfare Center held a festival at Songpa Pine Town in Jangji-dong. Children made soap bubbles and pinwheels, and played with mud.

May 8

Korean Traditional Culture Experience“A Different Kind of
Nan Jang Pan” (Let's play havoc)
(Sungdong Youth Center)

Sungdong Youth Center hosted a Korean Traditional Culture Experience Program for the first time. Teens were able to experience Korean culture by crafting “Hwamunseok” (straw mat) of Ganghwa Island.

May 8, 15

Basic Education for Consumer Reporters (2nd term)
(Seoul YWCA Headquater, the Department of Consumer & Environment)

The Department of Consumer & Environment selected 27 university students as the second term consumer reporters and educated them with lectures. Newly selected students learned about the consumer law and strengthened their capabilities as reporters.

May 11

Training Course for Multiculturalism Activist
(Bongcheon Social Welfare Center)

With 26 international marriage migrant women, Bongcheon Social Welfare Center began a education course“Da-ol”to train them as multiculturalism activists, who will teach their culture to Koreans and make them understand what the real multiculturalism is.

May 15

Helpers Association Member's Picnic
(Seoul YWCA Headquater, the Department of Women's Capacity Building)

The Department of Women's Capacity Building had a spring picnic in Seoul Forest with 800 members of association who babysit, help housework, or do post-natal care.

May 19

Campaign for High Voter Turnout in the Local Election
(Seoul YWCA Headquater, the Department of Planning)

Under the motto of “Your vote makes a world that fulfills your hope”,

the Department of Planning conducted a campaign before the local elections on June 2nd.