2010년 7월 20일 화요일

College Y Community Program "We Are Members of Seoul YWCA"

“Which of the following is the meaning of YWCA? 1. Young Women’s Culture Association, 2. Young Women’s Christian Association, …, 5. Young Women’s Christian Area.”

On the first Saturday of June, young and fresh college Y members gathered in a lecture room for the College Y Community Program. The College Y Community Program encouraged members to have a vocation and actively participate in Seoul YWCA. Participants were able to understand Seoul YWCA and establish their identity as College Y members.

Everyone in the lecture room was watching a PowerPoint presentation on the introduction of Seoul YWCA and College Y. “Seoul YWCA is an abbreviation for Young Women’s Christian Association and it was founded by the "new women" in 1922.” For the members who do not know about YWCA, a program instructor introduced the history of Seoul YWCA, its organization, and ongoing projects, giving fun quizzes. When the instructor explained the three focused projects in 2010 and the annual events, the participants could not only understand the role of Seoul YWCA as a Christian advocacy group but also feel confident and responsible as College Y members.

After the introduction of Seoul YWCA, the participants had recreational activities to become friends. One by one, they introduced themselves using a ‘key word’ and answered questions. “A ‘frog’ would be my ‘keyword.’ My name is Baek, Woo-Lim, and it sounds like ‘Gaegoori (a frog in Korean)’ when you talk fast.” “People tell me that I look like Kim, Yeong-Chul, the comedian. Do I really?” Students who talk about weaknesses and actively ask questions portrayed their passion and the positive future of Seoul YWCA.

Then, there was a training session for finding one’s vision. Participants wrote down their vision and dream, set goals, divided time, and listened to the advice and millionaires’ key to success (self-discipline, honesty, and intimate friendship).

Although they are basically same with other college students who live competitively to build up career and social experience, College Y members are the future of Seoul YWCA trying to realize not only their own dreams but also Seoul YWCA's vision. Seoul YWCA expects them to put their love and sharing into action.

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